Behind Revealing the Charterhouse

When parts of the Charterhouse open to the public in January we hope that our visitors enjoy the buildings and environs as much as the residents and staff.

The care and consideration shown by the workforce who are busy realising the designs of Eric Parry Architects, Todd Longstaffe-Gowan Landscape Design and GuM (Museum designers) is greatly appreciated and although we have experienced some unavoidable delays, their commitment has ensured that these have been minimised.

When the project was envisaged it had two purposes. One was to enable the charity to share our heritage and the other was to invite those who are interested to learn more about us and perhaps to support us so that we can protect and maintain the site and our collections into the future. The works required funding and we are really most grateful to all those who have supported the Revealing the Charterhouse Project.

The Heritage Lottery Fund was absolutely crucial to the successful fundraising campaign. Their support encouraged others and also provided a rigorous framework that has meant that the programme of activities that will be available once we have opened are well planned and tested.

We are hugely grateful to all those supported Revealing the Charterhouse as we are to the other donors and Friends all of who are listed elsewhere on this site. Without the help of so many foundations, individuals and businesses the Charterhouse would have remained a charming secret. We are most grateful to them all.



Recent comments

  • I came today during my lunch hour and was in awe of Charterhouse. Can’t wait until it is fully open. A treasure of a place.

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