Explore the Charterhouse

The Charterhouse has been an almshouse since 1611, however its fascinating story dates back to medieval times and the era of the Black Death.

It has been a medieval monastery, a grand Tudor mansion and also a school and this history can be explored through our buildings and collections.

Museum Display

Explore the Charterhouse

Our museum display takes you back over 600 years, sharing the history of the Charterhouse and the lives of those who have lived there through a fascinating series of objects and images.… Find out more


A stone urn with pink roses and fox gloves in a garden

The Charterhouse gardens have been designed in an English country garden style featuring roses, herbaceous borders, ancient mulberry trees and a small pond... Explore our gardens


Interior view of the Jacobean Chapel at the Charterhouse

The Chapel stands in the footprint of the medieval Chapterhouse and has long been at the heart of life at the Charterhouse... Find our more