Conceived and performed by Mansel David, this acclaimed show is about the renowned classics scholar whose self-published 1896 poem cycle A Shropshire Lad became a publishing phenomenon and connected deeply with thousands of young men. He brings a clear, queer eye to performance of A.E. Housman’s words – both his wistful poems and very funny letters – and discovers the yearning and passion burning beneath them. David’s career spans TV (including Yes Prime Minster and The Magnificent Evans), radio drama and stage roles, including in London’s West End. His solo show Crummles, inspired by Charles Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby, has toured extensively in Europe and the United States.
Timings: Doors open at 18:30 for the performance running 19.00 – 20.00, 20.00 – 20.30 drinks. Tickets include a glass of wine or a soft drink.