The Brothers Magazine
Welcome to the The Charterhouse Magazine online.
The Charterhouse Magazine is published twice a year – summer and winter. The magazine is primarily produced by the Brothers for the Brothers, but we also receive contributions from staff, friends and volunteers, and our readership is expanding to include visitors to the Charterhouse. The content covers a wide variety of subjects: the past, present and future of the Charterhouse; the Carthusian movement; personal, often humorous, memories; as well as history, poetry, the arts and culture. The Charterhouse Magazine is for sale to visitors in our museum shop and online here.
We are now adding this online version – giving our readers the opportunity to read more in-depth articles and pieces of a topical nature that do not appear in the printed version.
We hope you will enjoy reading our articles below. It is early days, but watch this space as the online magazine develops.
Alberto Giacometti at Tate Modern by Tim Epps
Philip Bacon’s lecture on mental health (audio)