Reverend Canon Ann Clarke, the Preacher here at the Charterhouse, is heading up our Diversity Working Group. Here she introduces our approach, and heralds updated policies which will be public later this Spring.
Diversity and Inclusion did not suddenly appear in summer 2020, but as a response to Black Lives Matter, many organisations and institutions have looked at themselves afresh and with greater scrutiny.
Those with long histories, like the Charterhouse, have begun to reassess their past to both address and acknowledge problematic and uncomfortable truths.
At the Charterhouse we are undertaking a thorough review of all relevant policies and procedures, and we are monitoring our diversity and inclusivity to gain an accurate picture of our current status, and of the work that needs to be done.
With regard to our heritage we are researching the backgrounds of the famous figures associated with the Charterhouse, and we are reviewing how we present our story to the public. We do not wish to obliterate our history where it is unpalatable by the standards of today, but rather to acknowledge it, to be open and honest in our dialogue, and to learn from it.
We are striving to be a genuinely inclusive and diverse organisation at every level: Brothers, Governors, Staff, Volunteers and Visitors.
Our Diversity and Inclusion Working Group provides a foundation for ongoing work and we recognise that this is a journey, not just a one-off exercise.
‘We know that to oppose racism, and to fully manifest equality and diversity takes more than just a statement – it is about sustained long term change, and this takes time. We are committed to listening, to supporting and to taking positive action for diversity, inclusion and equality of opportunity at the Charterhouse.’ See our full statement here.